Project: Introduction Of The Forward Forward Method By Geoffrey Hilton

Here’s a nice video about interview of Geoffrey Hilton on his new Forwarad Forward algorithm, which I am currently working on based on his preliminary research. This interview is pretty cool as it shows us how a great idea was generated: thousands of times of trying, large amount of reading, consistent curiosity and explorations… and also hard working. “To have a great idea have a lot of them!” As Thomas Edison said.

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Daily: Tunnel Vision

Tunnel vision is defined as one’s tendency to focus on a single goal or point of view. The more important the goal or the more threatening a stimulus is perceived to be, the more likely a person is to focus attention on it Ref.

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Daily: You Are Ready When You Are Ready

One of the enlighting take-aways from one of my favorite podcasts – 得意忘形 (literally means someone gets so arrogant to an extent that she/he forgets who she/he is) that I listened recently is that just getting started/moving towards it/getting into action whenever you have an idea instead of overthinking.

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Project: Memory And Nonlinearity In Reservoir Computing

When talking about reservoir computing, one must mention that the reservoir’s main requirements are nonlinearity and a memory effect, also known as the ‘echo state property’ in the context of Echo State Networks (see more in one of my other blog: (What is and why reservoir computing). But why it isn’t a system has certain memory effect must also have nonlinearity? Intuitively, Nonlinear systems often exhibit complex behaviors that are sensitive to initial conditions, such as chaos. Since memory effects introduce a form of complexity— where the output depends not just on the current input but also on past inputs— it can be easy to conflate this complexity with nonlinearity.

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Daily: Turning Up The Heat: Why You Rethink Drinking Warm Tap Water

I know that hot water from taps is not good to drink and cook long time ago, but i forgot to figure out why it is the case. When my friend asked me why when I stopped her from taking warm water for drinking, I pasused and could not answer. I searched and found it just because the hot water from the tap can contain contaminants. The cold water enters the water boiler heated by contact with the heating elements. Under heat and pressure, there is a transfer of metals from the heating elements and other components of the boiler. Hot water also dissolves contaminants in pipes faster than cold water.

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Daily: How Does A Ticket Work

Paper tickets is a thing of the past (at least in China). But apparently the French are more nostalgic (However, the Paris Metro has decided to phase out paper tickets after 120 years).

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Daily: Why Eu Countries Do Not Use Qr Code Payment As China Does

WeChat and Alipay payment system with a QR code is quite convenient and popular in China. You just need to scan a QR code provided by the mechants using your mobile, the money is easily transfered and paied. From the perspective of merchants, OR code for receiving money is easily acquired, by just printing it out, compared to buying a pos machine with high cost. However, it seems that paying through QR code is rare in Europearn countries. There might be a few reasons for that:

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Daily: How Does Sim Card Works

I have never thought about this question of how does a SIM card work till I run into this problem that I ordered Bouygues sim card online but they failed to send me home and I finally got it from their physical store immediately after I went there. Before, I thought a SIM card connects to a specific phone number, but it seems not the case because the staff in the store gave a new card to me and I can use it immediately after having activated it in my phone. What I am confused about is why a random new card can recognize my phone number?

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